Tabatha is an Anishnaabe Kwe from Nipissing First Nation. As CCAB’s President & CEO she is committed to help rebuild and strengthen the path toward reconciliation and a prosperous Indigenous economy to benefit all Canadians. With a focus on Indigenous economic development, Tabatha often works with various heads of organizations, companies, government officials and departments, notably her role with the federal government’s COVID-19 Supply Council. She serves the Indigenous community through her commitment, duty, and support to Indigenous business and the economy.
An electrical engineer, Tabatha informs Canada’s energy sector by participating on the boards of Ontario’s electricity system operator IESO, the Positive Energy Advisory Council, the MARS Energy Advisory Council, and the C.D. Howe Institute’s Energy Policy program. A member of several other boards and committees, including Queens University Engineering Circle of Advisors, Centennial College Aboriginal Education Council, Wigwamen Housing, and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Tabatha is dedicated to diversity and removing systematic barriers to improve opportunities and business competitiveness across all industry sectors. Recently appointed to the Catalyst CEO advisory board in Canada, Tabatha collaborates with some of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that support women.
Tabatha is a proud mom of two boys and can often be found in a hockey arena, at the baseball diamond, or on the lacrosse field