Rose PaulCEO, Bayside Development Corporation

    From an early age, Rose Paul’s grandparents instilled within her a lifelong commitment to help her Mi’kmaw community grow and prosper. As CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Bayside Development Corporation, Rose has been the trailblazer for business development, negotiations, and partnerships the business arm of Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation, that commitment has fueled a vision to maximize future employment and business development for Paqtnkek community members.

    Rose and her leadership team worked to develop the first ever tripartite agreement with Provincial and Federal governments and was awarded the multi-million-dollar highway interchange site on Exit 38B and with land that the community was separated from a 1960 breach of agreement. With the completion of Phase One, the development of the Bayside Travel Centre, she is now focused on Phase Two of the highway showcase working towards the construction of a new business centre.

    Rose has built a strategy for economic strides and developing Strategic Partnerships, reclaiming spaces at decision and planning tables, and creating partnerships Corporately through Economic Reconciliation. An essential element of the community’s long-term economic vision are strategic partnerships with corporate stakeholders, such as industry leader, first of its kind in North American Everwind Fuels. It is an alliance that Paul says will drive them towards ‘energy sovereignty’ and becoming a net zero contributor in the fight against global warning. She is also building business and sector industry partnerships such the space sector, Maritime Launch Services, Signal Gold in the mining industry and Clearwater Seafood.

    Generous with her time, Paul has been a speaker at events across Canada and is a volunteer for roundtables that explore the tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. She is a fluent Mi’kmaw Speaker, a strong advocate for her community and a mother of 8 children and 16 grandchildren who have been her strongest motivators.
