Elder Rose NahaneeElder

    Elder Rose Nahanee was raised on the Squamish territory by her father, who is from the Squamish Nation and her mother, who is from the Sto:lo Nation. Rose’s husband was the late Dr. James McLennan. She is a mother to two children and four grandchildren.

    Rose was the first of her siblings to not attend residential school. Still, she did attend St. Paul’s Indian Residential School as a day student where, like residential schools, the goal was to strip students of their language, culture, and connection with family.

    Her father understood the importance of school and pushed Rose to pursue higher education. After graduating from Carson Graham Secondary, Rose pursued a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and History from the University of Toronto and later received an Instructor Diploma from Vancouver Community College. She taught English at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology in Merritt and the Native Education College for many years before retiring with her husband to travel the world.

    Her educator career and connection to the community have allowed her seamless transition as an Elder at Capilano University. Rose looks forward to guiding indigenous students and supporting the campus community as it moves to indigenize the university.

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