Dylan is a proud Mi’kmaq, member of Lennox Island First Nation, professional engineer and founder of L’nu Energy. Dylan graduated with a Bachelor’s of Sustainable Design Engineering from the University of Prince Edward Island in 2019. Driven by a passion for renewable energy he has gained exposure to a broad range of technologies throughout his career including solar photovoltaic, wind, battery energy storage system, hydrogen, and gas turbines. Experience highlights include working at the Wind Energy Institute of Canada’s 10-megawatt R&D wind farm and most recently leading the construction for the Summerside Sunbank Project, a 26MWdc utility scale solar photovoltaic project with a 10 MW/20MWh battery energy storage system. In May of 2023, Dylan began his Ph.D. program at UPEI’s School of Climate Change and Adaptation. His thesis will examine “How best can First Nations in Canada achieve net zero greenhouse gas targets as a means of direction for Lennox Island First Nation.”. The outcome of this research aims to help First Nations across Canada tackle issues in the adaptation to climate change. Concurrent to his doctoral studies, he is currently pursuing his NRCan Energy Advisor certification through the inaugural ICE Regional Energy Advisor Training Program. Through the Netukulimk Education Program (Learning to take only what we need) he works with youth across Epekwitk (PEI) to provide a community-based approach to education resource in renewable energy and promote careers in science, technology, and engineering. Premised on the two-eyed seeing approach, this program is foundational to developing the community and business leaders that will support the development of current and future energy projects. For Dylan, the seven generations principle is driver that extends beyond his company practice and into his personal life where he enjoys spending time with his young family out in nature. Hobbies include golfing, fishing, hunting, hiking, gardening, and having any excuse to be building or renovating something outside.